About AECC  >  Company Growth
AECC Company Growth Statistics 2009-2011

Since inception in 2009, AECC has grown and been successful, despite the poor economy. This is largely due to the “large company” experience, quality, and solutions that our professionals contribute to our Clients’ projects at “small company” pricing.  To highlight the success of AECC during the recent poor economic times, we have provided the following tables illustrating the rapid growth of AECC:

Performance Indicators
Employees Growth 2009-2011
Employees Growth 2009-2011
Employees Growth 2009-2011
Growth in Projects 2009-2011
Growth in Projects 2009-2011
Growth in Projects 2009-2011
Growth in Clients 2009-2011
Growth in Clients 2009-2011
Growth in Clients 2009-2011
*2011 Projected Figures