Services  >  Natural Resources
Natural Resources

AECC understands that incorporation of ecological and environmental considerations is an important part of any development project.  AECC’s Natural Resource Services Group has extensive knowledge of the regulations associated with the Federal Clean Water Act (CWA), Federal Endangered Species Act (ESA), National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), New York State Freshwater Wetlands Act, and New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) and similar regulatory frameworks in other states.  With this strong understanding of the regulations and knowledge of your needs, we help you navigate the permitting process with minimal delays.  AECC personnel have established working relationships with regulatory agencies and utilize these in the best interest of our clients.

AECC will evaluate your project and look for ways to address potential natural resource impacts and identify opportunities for additive project elements that will result in a project that provides a net benefit to the environment.  In these times of heightened interest in creating sustainable designs, AECC has the expertise to help our clients maximize their projects from an ecological standpoint. AECC will integrate these services with our other capabilities such as GIS analysis and GPS mapping to provide you with a superior product and a better project.

AECC’s Natural Resources Services include the following:


WetlandsWetland and Stream Services

  • Wetland Delineation
  • Wetland Mitigation Design
  • Wetland and Stream Permitting
  • Wetland Mitigation Monitoring
  • Wetland Restoration

 Ecological Services 

  • Threatened and Endangered Species Screening
  • USFWS Coordination
  • Aquatic Sampling
  • Benthic Surveys
  • Cover-type Mapping
  • Habitat Conservation Plans

 Environmental Review Services

  • SEQR Review Support
  • Preparation of Environmental Assessment Documentation
  • Environmental Impact Statement Preparation
  • NEPA Compliance Support
  • NEPA Environmental Assessment Preparation
  • Farmland Assessments
  • Cultural Resources Screening and Cultural Resource Study Management